This book is a basic, yet systematic and comprehensive introduction to the geography, history and culture of the United Kingdom. It is intended for students of English at intermediate level (B1/B2).
What is inside?
The book contains 100 informative texts grouped into 8 sections:
◆ Geography
◆ Land, people and language
◆ Politics and government
◆ History
◆ Culture and Sport
◆ Famous writers
◆ Famous places, landmarks and institutions
◆ Daily life
Each text is accompanied by vocabulary exercises connected with it.
◆ definitions
◆ collocations
◆ word-building
◆ articles
◆ prepositions
Other features
◆ 280 pages
◆ fully illustrated
◆ glossy paper
◆ 8 quizzes
◆ phonetic transcription of proper names and difficult words
◆ maps
◆ index
◆ key
Who can use it?
◆ Students preparing for contests of the English language which include cultural component.
◆ Students who want to expand their vocabulary.
◆ Non-native teachers of English who need to familiarise themselves with different aspects of British culture.
◆ Instructors of English Departments who need an introductory textbook for British Studies.
◆ Any person who is interested in getting knowledge about the UK "in a pill".
Table of contents
Sample unit – The British Isles